
Masahiro Yukawa – Talks

Professor, Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Keio University, JAPAN
Invited Talks
    1. Masahiro Yukawa, "Be robust against outlier, and be stable under high-power Gaussian noise simultaneously" APSIPA Japan Chapter Workshop, 2022.03.02.

    2. Masa-aki Takizawa and Masahiro Yukawa, ``A Hilbertian Projection Approach with Dictionary Dividing Strategy: Accelerating Nonlinear Estimation Algorithm with Multiscale Gaussians,'' in Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, Special Session: Online and Distributed Kernel Learning Algorithms, Dec. 2021 (INVITED paper).

    3. Kei Komuro, Masahiro Yukawa, and Renato G.L. Cavalcante, "Distributed sparse optimization with minimax concave regularization," in Proceedings of IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, Special Session: Signal Modelling, Adaptive Learning and Applications, pp.1--5, July 2021 (INVITED paper).

    4. 湯川正裕、多カーネル適応フィルタの基礎と最近の展開、 電子情報通信学会音声研究会(EA研、SIP研共催)、オーガナイズドセッショ ン「音声音響信号処理研究における機械学習技術の発展」、 招待講演、2017.03.01.

    5. 湯川正裕、多カーネルに基づくオンライン学習とその応用、 計測自動制御学会 制御部門 都市インフラシステム構築と制御調査研究会、 招待講演、2017.5.18.

    6. 湯川正裕、Adaptive Learning with Reproducing Kernels, RIMS研究集会:再生核の応用についての総合的な研究、京都大学数理解析研究所、 招待講演、2015.10.7.

    7. 湯川正裕、再生核に基づく非線形適応学習、 第28回 回路とシステムワークショップ(特別セッション: 学習とニューラ ルネットワーク)、淡路夢舞台国際会議場、招待講演、2015.8.3.

    8. Masahiro Yukawa and Yuki Saito, "Widely Linear LQCMV Beamformer and Augmented Dual-Domain Adaptive Algorithm," in Proceedings of International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS), pp.1--5, Tainan: Taiwan, December 2013 (INVITED paper).

    9. Masahiro Yukawa, Yuta Tawara, Masao Yamagishi, and Isao Yamada, "Sparsity-aware adaptive filters based on Lp-norm inspired soft-thresholding technique", in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), : Special Session on Adaptive Filtering and Their Applications, pp.2749--2752, Seoul: Korea, May 2012 (INVITED paper).

    10. Masahiro Yukawa, "Rank-selection criterion for Krylov-subspace-based adaptive filtering techniques", in Proceedings of International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS) : Special Session on Adaptive Filtering and Their Applications, Singapore, December 2011 (INVITED paper).

    11. Gilwon Lee, J. Park, Youngchul Sung, and Masahiro Yukawa, "Coordinated beamforming with relaxed zero forcing", in Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless Communications & Signal Processing (WCSP): Invited Session on Interference Management Techniques in Wireless Networks, Nanjing: China, November 2011 (INVITED paper).

    12. Masahiro Yukawa and Isao Yamada, "Adaptive beamforming by simultaneous projection in dual domains," in Proceedings of The 7th International Workshop on Multidimensional (nD) Systems, Special Session: Multidimensional systems and signal processing research in Asia, Mo2.3, Poitiers: France, September 2011, (INVITED paper).

    13. Masao Yamagishi, Masahiro Yukawa, and Isao Yamada, ``Sparse system identification by exponentially weighted adaptive parallel projection and generalized soft-thresholding,'' in Proceedings of Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2010), pp.367--370, Biopolis: Singapore, December 2010 (INVITED paper).

    14. Isao Yamada and Masahiro Yukawa, ``Minimizing the Moreau envelope of nonsmooth convex function over the fixed point set of certain quasi-nonexpansive mappings,' in Proceedings of Interdisciplinary Workshop on Fixed-Point Algorithms for Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering , Banff: Canada, November 2009 (INVITED paper).

    15. Isao Yamada, Konstantinos Slavakis, Masahiro Yukawa, and Renato L. G. Cavalcante, "Adaptive projected subgradient method and its applications to robust signal processing," in Proceedings of IEEE ISCAS (International Symposium on Circuits and Systems), pp.269--272, Island of Kos: Greece, May 2006, (INVITED paper).

    16. Isao Yamada, Nobuhiko Ogura, and Masahiro Yukawa, "Adaptive projected subgradient method and its acceleration techniques," in Proceedings of IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Workshop on ALCOSP (Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing), TP4_A-1, pp.639--644, Yokohama: Japan, Aug. 2004 (INVITED paper).

Invited Lectures
    1. Short course "Adaptive filtering based on projection method", Tampere Doctoral Programme in Information Science and Engineering (TISE), Department of Signal Processing, Tampere University of Technology, Finland (August 20--24, 2012)

    2. Projection and Signal Processing, Lecture for sophomore students in Dept. of Electrical Engineering, KAIST, Korea (April 4, 2011)

    3. Short course "Adaptive filtering based on projection method", Elite Master Study Course (Systems of Information and Multimedia Technology), University of Erlangen Nuremberg and Technical University of Munich, Germany (December 6--8, 2010)
      [Lecture Notes] PDF: A printable version is available upon request
      Remark : The highlight of the course is Lecture 5, the unified analysis of various adaptive filtering algorithms based on Fixed Point Theory, related to the expertise of the lecturer. Lectures 1 to 4 play a supporting role to access Lecture 5. Please be aware that the way of this course is quite different from that of the standard textbooks of adaptive filtering.

    4. Introduction to Adaptive Filtering Based on Projection Method, Winter School on Neuroinformatics ---Brain Visual and Auditory Information Processing, Sogang University, Seoul: Korea (January 29-30, 2009).

Seminar Talks
    1. 湯川正裕、スパースモデリング:基本概念と信号画像処理への応用、 第52回RAP セミナー、 理化学研究所光量子工学研究センター、2018.04.12

    2. 湯川正裕、非線形適応信号処理と不動点近似に基づく最適化アルゴリズム、 NTTコミュニケーション科学基礎研究所 ICT基礎セミナー(4地点中継で 開催:厚木・横須賀・京阪奈・武蔵野)、2017.9.7.

    3. Masahiro Yukawa, Online Learning with Multiple Kernels: Basics and Recent Advances, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun: Poland, 2016.12.2.

    4. Masahiro Yukawa, Adaptive Learning in Sum Space of Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces, Informal Seminar, Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, 2016.7.13.

    5. 湯川正裕、スパース信号復元とLp正則化 (0<p<1)、 研究会 「スパース推定と情報量規準」、統計数理研究所、2016.1.7.

    6. 湯川正裕、再生核適応フィルタと応用、足立研セミナー、慶應義塾大 学、2015.4.2.

    7. 湯川正裕、信号処理工学への数理的アプローチ:高度情報化社会を支える基盤技術の創生、 KEIO TECHNO-MALL 2014 連携技術セミナー、2014.12.05.

    8. Masahiro Yukawa, Adaptive Beamforming by Linearly and Quadratically Constrained Minimum Variance Formulation and Augmented Dual-Domain Algorithm, Advanced Methods in Signal Processing Group: Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, Berlin: Germany, 2014.08.11.

    9. 湯川正裕、信号処理工学への数理的アプローチ:技術革新に向けて、 第19回 KLL産学連携セミナー、慶應義塾大学、2014.07.18

    10. Adaptive beamforming by linearly and quadratically constrained minimum variance formulation and augmented dual-domain algorithm, Technical seminar for the research group of Advanced Methods in Signal Processing, Communication and Networking, Wireless Communications and Networks, Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, Berlin: Germany, 8/2014.

    11. Sparse optimization and lp quasi-norm regularization (0<p<1), Masahiro Yukawa, IYYY Joint Seminar (informal) Between Yamada Lab at Tokyo Institute of Technology and Yukawa Lab at Keio University, 06/2014.

    12. 「再生核と非線形適応信号処理」,湯川正裕, セミナー講演,日立製作所中央研究所,2014年5月

    13. Multikernel adaptive filtering, Technical seminar for the research group of Machine Learning Group, TU Berlin, Berlin: Germany, 9/2013.

    14. Multikernel adaptive filtering, Technical seminar for the research group of Advanced Methods in Signal Processing, Communication and Networking, Wireless Communications and Networks, Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, Berlin: Germany, 9/2013.

    15. 「画像を加工する技術 --- 信号処理」,湯川正裕, セミナー講演,東京農工大学,2013年7月

    16. 「凸最適化入門 --- 基本知識と最近の動向」,湯川正裕, 学生向け講演会(電子情報通信学会中国支部主催,山口大学工学部後援),2013年1月

    17. Multikernel adaptive filtering, Technical seminar, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT), Aalto University, Helsinki: Finland, 8/2012. [slides]

    18. Sparse Signal Processing for Efficient MIMO Communication Systems, Technical seminar jointly organized by IEEE Circuits and Systems Singapore Chapter, IEEE Signal Processing Singapore Chapter, Division of Information Engineering, School of EEE, NTU, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 12/2011.

    19. Linear and Nonlinear Adaptive Filters, Technical seminar, KAIST, Wireless Information Systems Research Lab, Korea, 4/2011.

    20. Multi domain adaptive filtering by feasibility splitting, Technical seminar, Nanyang Technological University, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Singapore, 12/2010.

    21. Minimizing Moreau envelope of nonsmooth convex function under nonlinear constraints: An application to MIMO communication systems, Technical seminar, Imperial College London, Dept. Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Communications and Signal Processing Group, London: U.K., 12/2009.

    22. Minimizing Moreau envelope of nonsmooth convex function under nonlinear constraints: An application to MIMO communication systems, Technical seminar, University of Southampton, School of Electronics and Computer Science, Southampton: U.K., 12/2009.

    23. Dual-domain Adaptive Learning, Technical seminar, University of Porto, Dept. Computer Science, Porto: Portugal, 07/2009.

    24. Adaptive Filtering Based on Projection Method, Technical seminar, NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Kyoto, 03/2009.

    25. Efficient Adaptive Filtering Based on Adaptive Projected Subgradient Method, DoCoMo Communications Laboratories Europe (Euro-Labs), 09/2008.

    26. Efficient Adaptive Filtering Based on Adaptive Projected Subgradient Method, Associate Institute for Signal Processing (MSV), Munich University of Technology: Germany, 08/2008.

    27. 「不動点理論と凸最適化の融合が拓く新しい信号処理」、山田功&湯川正裕、 第30回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム(SITA2007)ワークショップ講演、賢島、2007年11月 

    28. A Study of Efficient adaptive filtering algorithms and their applications to acoustic and communication systems, Signal and Image Processing Joint Seminar, University of Edinburgh: U.K., 02/2007.

    29. Efficient adaptive filtering algorithms and their applications to acoustic and communication systems, Technical seminar, University of York: U.K., 12/2006.